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Eve 6 are Gods!
Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003 @ 4:03 pm

Photo: (left2right) Tony, Max, and Jon @ the Morning Edge Acoustic Cafe in Dallas TX.

Bios on the Band:
-Max Collins: [Lead Vocals, Bass] B.Day: August 28th, 1978; Red hair, Blue eyes, Met Jon in Phys Ed Freshman year in Highschool, graduated with a .87GPA (or some bios read that he dropped out), writes the music for Eve 6 , Influenced by Tom Petty, Elvis Costello, and Elliot Smith, has 3 bros and 2 sisters, tattooed and both ears pierced,... oh and Loves the Spice Girls?
-Jon Siebels: [Vocals, Guitar] B.Day: August 27, 1979; Blonde hair(but he changes it alot), Brown eyes, Graduated highschool in 1997, youngest member of the band, has the bridge of his nose pierced along with the top of his ear, one tattoo, one sister, influenced by Beatles, Peter Gabriel, Pete Drodge, Elvis Costello, and Eliot Smith, also lives the Spice Girls?,...and contributes some to song writing with Max
-Tony Fagenson: [Vocals, Drums] B.Day: July 18, 1978; Blonde hair, Brown eyes, only child, Was attending Unvi. of Southern Cali before touring with Eve 6, never really wanted to be in music, Named the band Eve 6 after that X-files episode, Loves Cinnamon Toast Crunch & the Spice Girls?, influenced by Beatles, Peter Gabriel, Pete Drodge, and 80's music, last to join the band, tattooed and pierced, only one not born in Cali...

Me and the Band:
I have loved the band ever since "Inside Out" and "Leech" hit the radio waves, I was to young to go to any of the concerts until just resently.. when I finally got to see them in Dallas this year. They are my all-time favorite band.. and that is not going to change. I couldn't wait for "It's All In Your Head" to come out.. I was one of the ones to order pre-sale. I think I was number 205! Heh.. Anywho, Max is my favorite.. he's just a sexy bitch! heh.. Plus I have a weakness for Bassist... they're just so sexy.. or at least the ones I know are. My favorite album of theirs is either "It's All In Your Head" or their Self-titled. I love the song "Jesus Nitelight" and "Arch Drive Goodbye". Um.. They just totally rock.. and I'm of course part of the Eve 6 Army!

Speaking of the Eve6 Army.. here is a news ticker for all the latest updates on the Band... I guess I could give you a list of some of the better Eve 6 Sites...
-Eve 6.Com: The offical website.. totally rocks!
-Eve6er.com: The ultimate Eve6 site.. Very kickass!
-Eve6: ItGo: A great site!
-Small Town Trap: A really awsome site!
.. well... More to come!... Enjoy!

silence || screams

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Eve 6 are Gods! - Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003

Design & Words � to Johnny.