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Life is Blah...
Friday, Aug. 22, 2003 @ 7:01 pm

Sorry.. I just haven't really been updating now have I? Anywho, not much is new in the Land of Johnny. School is blah. Life is blah. And the is pretty much it in a nutshell. I want to see the new movie coming out the Underworld. That looks good but I loke Vampires and werewolves... so its gonna be great since both are in it.. though one is killing the other off but that is besides the point. Oh well. This is going to be another short entry. Sorry. Just not alot to say besides.. like is slow and it needs to pick up soon.

I don't really have much to say.. it's sad. Nothing really to report other than I haven't been able to talk to Matt and I have been in close poximity with Travis which is never a good thing. Oh well, We don't talk and not that that isn't a big surprise. Oh well. I still don't have a car.. even though most of the Junior year seems like they do. It's weird how this year, Seniors don't seem to drive or even have their learner's permits for that matter. I find it sad. Who in their right mind would like to drive? Bunch of crazies if you ask me. Drive is cool and calming.. or at least to me it is. I can think and have the radio as loud as I want. It's much greatness. Oh well.. I think I am gonna go now. Bye.

See ya around the playground,


silence || screams

Miss Something?
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Rodeo! - Monday, Sept. 08, 2003
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Eve 6 are Gods! - Sunday, Aug. 31, 2003

Design & Words � to Johnny.