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Palmistry... your life in the palm of your hand..
Wednesday, Jun. 04, 2003 @ 5:56 pm

I am sorry that I haven't updated. I would have yesterday but I just couldn't put a book down. Yes. I did choose a book over you. Don't be sad. I do it to alot of things. Reading is very important to me. Even if it is reading Harry Potter. (I'm on the 3rd one right now.) Heh... They are kinda addictive. The first two were a breeze because I knew what was going to happen no thanks to the movies. Heh..

Moving on, I have forgotten what I was going to say.. ARGH!.. it was just there and now.. POOF! nothing. I really hate when this happens. Maybe if I bitch about it long enough I will remember? I doubt so I guess I will tell you that I have a hole in one of my back molars that is going to have to be filled. YAY!.. AHHHHHHHH! I just realised something very scary... I have been jamming to N*Sync and didn't know it! Damn you N*Sync and you poppy music! Bah.. Oh YeaH! In Da Club.. I feel better.. I heard cursing. Yeah.. thats what I need to get N*Sync the boot! Heh

Well, My birthday is coming up and I just thought of what I forgot! YAY! I got my early birthday yesterday from my Mom... I have been for awhile now want to learn how to make candles... and she bought me all these tools and other stuff for making candles! HAPPINESS! I have made two so far.. one smells like honey and its yellow (that ones for me) and then a green one that's round and smells like cinammon. Its actually really easy... but this is of course because I haven't done anything really hard just yet! Start with the basics first and then work up to the harder... Yep! I can't wait to show off some of my stuff to Ruth.. I think I will make a candle each for Mom and Ruth for their B-days... Yeah. That will be cool.

Oh and one more thing. I have had stuck in my head almost the entire day the song Dory sings: "Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming" and I must agree with Marlin.. it is ANNOYING after awhile. :sigh: I am about half crazy right now! Heh.. I am also studying the book I got from the Library on Palmistry. Its rather neat and Mom was telling me about when she got her hand read by the really famous Palmist from India after she married her first husband (Who was India Indian and also from the second wealthest family in India. They weren't to happy about him marrying Mom. I would have the last name of Doshi or I thing that is how it is spelled. Yoshi only with a D.. yeah). I thought it sounded really neat and I really want to get my palm read because looking through the book.. I saw no hand that looked like mine... I mean you know... well.. I guess you don't but my life line (the line that archs around you thumb) goes about halfway and then breaks cleanly apart and then starts going a cenimeters afterwards... its kinda scary to think what it might mean. Yeah. Heh..well, I need to go sign some more guestbooks... I didn't get a chance last night! Bye!

See ya around the playground,


silence || screams

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Design & Words � to Johnny.