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The Cast of Life!
Saturday, Oct. 26, 2002 @ 6:28 pm

Well.. here's the 411 on the people you might see popping up in my diary and you may or may not want to know about. Anywho.. Here they are in all their glory..MIS ACTORES!


-Mom: Mom is mom. What can I say. She yells and screams... and then laughs. She's a twin.. a mirror twin. She's the best storyteller in the world and the best stories are about her life growing up. I love my Mom.. even when she is being a bitch!

-Dad: Dad is.. well.. not really the normal Dad you think about. I love him.. but I'm not really close to him. He's the kind of Dad who likes to be loud and annoying when friends are over. Does 60s/70s dances to 90s/00s music. Has a polyester disco suit like John Travolta in that one movie. Yeah. Dad's pretty cool actually.

-Austin: Ah yes, the pain in my ass that I love. heh.. Austin is my younger brother, Im the oldest. He's 14 and thinks he's the shit. He's about as big around as a light pole and he will soon be taller than me.. but I don't care... I will still be driving way before him! heh.. I love the loser... and it sucks to be him because he is going to be in braces for 3-4 years, I only had mine in for a year.

-Amber: Amber is my cousin on my mother's side of the family. She's my coolest cousin on both sides. She's 18 and the shortest one out the Lee cousins. She's a total punk.. even had a mohawk at one time. She said she is going to get a triple mohawk after she graduates and dying it bright blue for the center one and orange for the two outer. Cool, huh?

-Ruth: Aunt Ruth is my Mom's twin sister. Heh.. She's like my second mom. She' s not married and spoils me and my brother. She also cusses like a sailor whenever she is mad or having a low. She's also a paralegal and Mom says thats why she is so bossy.. My mom and Ruth are actually alot alike even though they don't like to admit it. Heh.. I love my Aunt Ruth.

-The G. Parents: Grammy and Grandpa, my Mom's parents, are really the only grandparents I have ever know to be... grandparenty.. heh.. Grammy right now has been diganosed with having alzhiemers diease and we are going throught all her stages. Its really sad because I love my Grammy but it is getting harder and harder for her to remember things. Grandpa is one of the most anal men I know. He is tight-fist with his money and is also trying to couple with my Grandmother's illness. I love them both very much thought. [Heh.. some ver interesting stories about my Mother's childhood are because of my Grammy's craziness and my Grandpa's cheapness.]


-Am aka Rings: My bestest best friend. She totally rocks and rolls! Known her since 6th grade, just been really close since 8th when we both moved to the same new school. She also may be refered as "The Tan One" because she's Mexican and makes me look albino! She has the most annoyingest dog in the world and he like to hump only my leg.. heh.. Go me! She has never had a boyfriend in her life and I was the one that had to let her in on something that are best not mentioned her. I [heart] AM!.. just not in that way.. yeah...

-Jessica aka Macca: Jessica is in need of professional help.. like most of us in the world. Heh.. she has had a "love-child" with "Trunks" from DBZ. Me, her, and Trunks all have converstations on AIM.. I should post some on here.. yes.. She is also makes my look albino because she is Hispanic also. YAY! Go her and Am. Um.. I have "brainwashed" her into getting may things.. for examples.. her Neopets and also her d.land diary.. which you should go visit and write on her tag board to make her hyper-happy.

-Victoria: Heh.. VICTORIA! :waves hands in the air:.. Oh sorry. Victoria is a senior at school and is a very cool person. Me, her and AM eat lunch on B-days together. Its me and her's goal to update AM on all the info is has been missing about the opposite sex and all that it includes. Yeah. She also has a car and sometimes takes me home when Momc an't pick me up. She is also one of the biggest Texan Redneck you will ever see! Heh.. she even has cow print seat covers!. Bwa ha ha ha! Anywho, me and Victoria have alot in common and also alot NOT in common.. She's pro-Bush, pro-War.. and alot of other things.. oh well.. I still like her! Heh..

-Jason: Jason and me are going to go run away sometime. He's HOT! Heh.. He's also almost always horny and perverted which is what makes him so cool. He races his ghetto car and is pretty good. Jason makes me extremely happy when I see him! :smiles: Jason is actually really hard to explain because he is too many things to list. He's a big nerd and he's tall.. I like tall guys. heh.. Most people think Jason is either my boyfriend or my brother. HAHA! Jason my brother... erm.. you don't know why that is so funny and I am sorry.. its just really funny! Also, I really really like Jason when he is smiling.. which is almost all the time.. heh..

-Richard: Richard is the coolest guy you will ever meet. He would make someone a great husband. He was Jason's friend first, but me and him started talking and then we became friends. Richard is the most sensitive, crazy guy I know. He listens and cares. He also had longer hair than me.. heh.. he's just totally cool. So cool that I am his ex-Thursday girlfriend.. heh.. You know.. I was his girlfriend only on Thrusdays... it was cool because it Jason jealous.. I guess.. and I became his B-Day girlfriend..heh.. it was coolio. I also really like Richard's screenname.. soo coolio! heh.. Sad thing is though that I haven't been able to talk to Richard in awhile..:tear:

-Matt: Matt... oh to tell you about Matt. Well, Matt is from my physics class and is really cool. He's tall, and nerdy cool like me. Although, I don't know what it is about me and the guys I hang out with because normally they seem to be on the skinny side and like to debate/talk about WWII. Strange people.. heh.. Anywho, Matt and me saw Old School together and over to summer most likely we will have a bunch of Halo Gamer parties.. YAY.. and I will most likely be the only girl. Oh well.. Matt's cool and I think he was going to ask me to the Band Banquet.. but at the time I was going to Edge Fest. Ya..

-Jasen: Ah yes, the other Jasen. Spelt with an "E". He's tall and like a bean pole. Whacky but cool. He looks kinda like DJ Quall.. kinda.. hah.. He's the one that got in trouble for wearing a Karate Belt because it was "gang-related". heh.. also go in trouble because he can put his hair in a ponytail. My school sucks! Heh... he also is the one that calls me by my first and last name at all times. Also tries to put his hand on the bottom of my seat as I am sitting down.. I got good at not letting him.. heh..
-Myron: I really don't know Myron. I just really think Myron is hot. You will hear alot about Myron. You will mostly have heard that I haven't spoke one word to him. That me and him kinda stare at each other across the room when we think one of us isn't looking. He is my mystery man. Dark, handsome,a nd mysterious. I also found out he has a cellphone.. heh.. I didn't see that one coming. heh.. He has the most kissable looking lips I have ever seen on a guy.. :sigh: I STILL LOVE YOU JASON!


-Mrs. Drake: My 1A Theatre teacher. She is a totally cool teacher and makes me laugh alot. The class is aight because I don't really like getting up in front of people. But she makes it cool.
-Coach Robinson: AKA Coach Rob. My 2A English 3 Teacher. He's an O.K. teacher. Has a slight speech problem but I think that it is really cool that he teaches even with it. All the more power to him.
-Mrs. Finch: My 3A Algebra 2 teacher. She's really nice. She's a better teacher than my last math teacher.. maybe that's why I'm not failing but got A's.
-Ms. Richardson: My 4A Web Mastery teacher. She's ok. She's tall and is nice when she wants to be. I don't really think she cares all that much about what she is teaching. She also has a tattoo of a dragon on her should and she wants to get more... heh.. I was the first to see it! GO ME!
-Coach Rayson: My 1B US History teacher. He an OK guy but I personally don't think he can teach. All we really do is projects projects projects! I WANT A LECTURE PLEASE!!
-Ms. Coker: My 2B Physics teacher. Mad, crazy, cool teacher.. just wish she didn't teach physics 'cause I HATE physics! Yeah.
-Mr. Tupperadagelesen: My 3B [2nd semester] Psychology teacher. He is very interesting person. I will probably have alot to say about him in my diary. Heh.. and you can check.. his last name is the only one in the US. Heh.. its cool.


-Jana: I only have one enemy and this is her. Argh! Trailer-trash bitch from web mastery that doesn't know any word bigger than Fuck.. wait I take that back.. Bitch and Motherfucker are bigger.. Seriously.. this bitch needs to get knocked the fuck out. Oh and you wanna know who trashy she is... then how this for ya.. Her boyfriend is in prison right now.. she loves his to dead and his name... haha.. is Billy Bob.. its to good to be true.. My prediction for her is that she isn't going to college and she's gonna have a kid before she graduates... that is of course.. IF... she graduates... [Update on Jana... SHE DROPPED OUT! I knew it! WOOHOO!]

silence || screams

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Design & Words � to Johnny.