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Remember Them.
Friday, Dec. 27, 2002 @ 1:14 pm

Ok... I have had these made awhile and I found them saved way back when and never had a place to put them but now that I do.. I am going to put them right here. Looking back on these people they have changed people, yes, but they have not stopped the hurt that humans cause other humans.

I, personally, have never hurt anyone, physically, mentally, or emotionally. If I have and not know about it then I am sorry to you, whomever you are. It was not do tenionally. I was probably just smart-assing off. Something I tend to do. Alot. ::grin::

Anywho.. here are two people who died because the human race is full of ignorant idiots that have been taught by ignorant people. I am also personally glad that I am not a apart of any major religion. All major religions are causing this world too much hate.

A moment of silence for these blessed souls who have gone to a better place.

Thank you and these people will be missed in this world. I also want to add that the moment of silence was for anyone that has fall victim to a hate crime. Please, go and teach people that hate and violence solves nothing but pain and suffering. Please teach people that just because someone is different or does things differently or acts differently that that person is still a person and not a monster.


silence || screams

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Design & Words � to Johnny.